Make plans to celebrate Easter with us!
As we start preparing for the snow to melt and the flowers to bloom, it can be easy to look ahead. But before we look too hard ahead, let’s stop and look toward the tomb.
In just a little over three weeks, we will look to the cross. We’ll look at our Savior and remember his sacrifice for us. We will look at the tomb that held him and remember the Earth's silence and his disciples' uncertainty about the future.
But Praise be to our Savior; this isn’t the end of the story!
We will look into the tomb and see it EMPTY. We will look UP toward the Heavens, for our Savior is NOT dead, but HE HAS RISEN will ALL POWER & AUTHORITY in His Hands! We will remember that our King is alive and well, and we will sing with the host of angels, “Holy, Holy, Holy! Is the Lord God Almighty! Who was and is and is to come!
Join us on April 9 as we celebrate and remember our Savior’s death and resurrection! We will have four services: 7a (Sunrise Service), 8a, 9:30a, and 11a. The 8a, 9:30a, and 11a services will be the same service.
What about WCkids?
On Easter Sunday, there will be three identical services for wcKids PreK-5th grade in the Arena at 8a, 9:30a, and 11a. The kids experience a special Easter skit, "Breaking News." The actors will all be from the student ministry, and the worship team will be our 4th/5th graders.
This program will teach kids the importance of the Easter story and how we, as believers, must respond to it. Jesus died to save us from sin, and it’s up to us to share the good news with others.
There will also be crafts/activities for the kids to do as they enter the Arena before the service starts.
This is a Sunday for both young and old to come together to celebrate our Risen King! Invite a friend to come with you and join us on April 9 for Easter Sunday at Westerville Christian Church.