Child Blessing

Westerville Christian Church wants to come alongside you as you raise your children to love Jesus.

On Sunday, March 3rd, parents will have the opportunity to stand before their family and church leadership to commit to raise their child to know and love Jesus.

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys in life, but it’s no easy task. Often, you feel that nagging feeling that makes you wonder, “Am I doing this whole parenting thing right?” But there’s good news! You don’t have to parent alone. That’s where child blessing comes in. You get to stand with your family members and all commit to raising your child in community. Church, you are invited too! – this is a time that you can come and stand alongside these parents and encourage them, reassure them, and lift them up to God in prayer. As a faith community, we can walk alongside them through their child’s journey of faith. A couple ways you can do this is to pray for these families, another is to get involved. Get involved in Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, or additional activities in our church such as Above the Rim basketball or Friday Fare. Take an active role in guiding the children of WCC to love and follow Jesus.

We want to give our children every opportunity to learn about God and His Son, Jesus – and what Jesus’ sacrifice meant to the world, and to your child. But it must be intentional. It will not happen accidentally. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Your role as a parent or guardian for your child is to be a
disciple-maker - helping them understand what the Gospel is and what it means to live according to the Gospel. Child Blessing is committing to not having all the answers, but rather committing to a lifetime of discovery in Jesus’ direction.

Parents, we want you to invite anyone who will be a faith influencer in the life of your child. We will talk about how the home and faith community will partner in being the light of Jesus along their child’s faith journey. We will discuss exactly what it means to pledge to raise your child in faith.

We want families to know they are not alone in the task of leading their children to follow Jesus.

You can register here or on our app for Child Blessing by February 22nd. For more information, contact


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