Young Adult Retreat Recap

The young adult ministry just returned from Round Lake Christian Camp. For the second year in a row, we met up with 30 students from Westerville Christian Church and sister churches in Dublin and Heath for a weekend of worship, group time, late nights, coffee runs, games, and more. It was a great mix of young adults that have remained in the area and those that have gone to college but made the trip for the weekend.

We set up on the lodge side of the camp. When you go to the lodge this of year, it actually makes sense to use the fireplace (it’s always a head-scratcher when we’re there in July with mid-80’s temperatures!) We had a full band for worship and taught about our identity in Jesus throughout those 3 days. Each time, we followed up the session but shuffling groups to talk about the lesson and their lives over cups of Swiss Miss hot chocolate.

It should be noted the differences in free time between a middle school camp and a young adult retreat. When you’re an adult, you can go to bed whenever you want and wander into breakfast late. Saturday afternoon has a 4-hour block of free time in which nearly everyone made the road trip into town for the coffee shop and still had time to sneak in a nap. When you’re 13, that kind of free time results in furniture ending up in the lake. When you’re an adult, you just get to catch up with your friends better! It’s amazing!

Having a group of 30 also opens up so many doors, programs, and opportunities. We had a 30-person game of dodgeball that was everyone for themselves! Meals with 30 people allow you to meet everyone by the end of the weekend if you want.

Yet most importantly, SILENT DISCO was possible. If by chance you’ve seen videos of myself and others dancing with headphones, no other sound but our sneakers squeaking and our voices screeching, you maybe had some questions. We created 3 stations that the group could tune into with a set of headphones. Under black lights, armed with glow sticks, we partied! As one
group shouted Taylor Swift lyrics, another group head-banged to “Enter Sandman.”

It was a phenomenal weekend. More than anything, it fostered excitement about what’s to come.

Let me tell you about what’s to come!

This spring, we are beginning our young adult program: Connect. Connect is a program that hopes to pick up where 678 and YOUTH end as the logical next step. Connect will be 1st and 3rd Thursdays this spring, from 7-9p. The hope is to capture the magic of our winter retreat for 2 hours on a Thursday night, complete with some games, a devotion, breakout groups, and a chance to catch up and hang out with old friends and new ones.

Below are the dates for March – May!

Thursday March 7 • Connect 7-9p
Thursday March 21 • Connect 7-9p
Thursday April 4 • Connect 7-9p
Thursday April 18 • Connect 7-9p
Thursday May 9 • Connect Cook Out 7-9p
Thursday May 16 • Connect 7-9p


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