Is your middle schooler excited about church? 

Parenting a middle schooler can be challenging as you navigate all the things—school, extra-curriculars, friendships, technology, siblings, etc.  Then there’s church.  Sometimes it may seem like church is one more battle you’re fighting when it comes to keeping your middle schooler engaged and thriving.

We want to come alongside you by offering six ways to nudge your student into excitement about being a part of their faith community.

  1. Start with something fun!

    Sometimes it just takes a fun event to get the ball rolling and help students feel comfortable in the group. Wednesday, January 25, the middle schoolers will meet at Rockin’ Jump in Westerville from 6-8p for a fun night of trampolines, dodgeball, pizza, and more! The cost is $20 per person. Register Here

  2. Try out 678 on Wednesday nights.

    678 is a gathering of middle schoolers every week for a time of connecting with peers, Biblical teaching, large group games, worship, and small group discussion. Students get to participate in a youth group geared toward their life stage. Our coaches love working with middle schoolers and are excited to encourage them in their faith and help foster relationships with other middle schoolers. We meet in the Venue from 6-8p. The Venue café is staffed by students and offers $2 smoothies!

  3. Small groups for those who want to dig in.

    Middle School Small Groups meet on 2-3 Sunday nights a month.  There are two boys’ groups and two girls’ groups.  Groups are divided by grade; each group picks its own study material and activities.  Small groups allow students to grow deeper in their faith and foster friendships with others who want to do the same. Sign up Here

  4. Worship together.

    Sitting with other middle schoolers makes the Sunday morning worship service a shared experience that will keep them connected and engaged. Look for middle schoolers in the 9:30 and 11a services sitting in the front right section of the worship center. Encourage your middle schooler to join them!

  5. Find an area to volunteer.

    Middle schoolers can meet other middle schoolers while serving in our WCKids, Greeting, or Tech ministries.  When students volunteer, they feel a sense of purpose within the church. They interact with adults and other students and benefit from another shared faith experience. When they know they are needed and can contribute to the life of the church, they’ll want to keep coming back.

  6. Go to camp.

    Many of our WCC kids and students, and coaches attend Round Lake Christian Camp every winter for a weekend retreat and summer for a week.  So. Much. Fun. But not only that, camp is a time for your student to get away from the pressures, challenges, and distractions of daily life and encounter Jesus. Find out more about Round Lake by visiting

            Winter Retreat            Feb. 24-26       Register Here

            Summer Camp            July  9-13         Registration opens Feb. 14

You are not alone in parenting or grandparenting your middle schooler. 

We are here to partner with you on this crazy and sometimes frightening journey of middle school. It can be a beautiful time for students to understand who they are in Jesus and start to find their place in the community of believers called the church.


Song Highlight: No Longer Slaves


Mutliply is Partnering with Ability Ministry